Nutrition Q&A

  • Barbell Shrugs

    Begin with your feet slightly apart, facing the bar resting on a weight rack. You can also pick the weight up from the floor. 1. Take an overhand grip on […]

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  • Barbell Pullovers

    Lay flat on a bench or, adjust your body so that the edge of the bench rests midway between the shoulders. Extend your arms and take an overhand grip on […]

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  • Barbell Front Raises

    Stand with your legs slightly spread to about shoulder width apart. Take an overhead grip on the barbell and rest the barbell on your thighs. Keep your back straight and […]

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  • Back Press (seated: bar behind head/neck)

    Sit on a bench with your back straight. Grasp a barbell with an overhand grip and let it rest across the top of your shoulders behind your neck. 1. Without […]

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  • Back Lat Pulldowns

    Sit facing the machine and wedge your knees under the restraint pad. Take a wide overhand grip on the bar, i.e., your hands should be gripping the bar near each […]

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  • Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

    Approach the bar. Stand with your feet about 4 to 6 inches apart, facing the bar on the floor. Bend forward at the waist, keep your back arched, and your […]

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  • Standing Leg Curls

    Approach and stand in the machine so that your knee is pressed against the moveable pad. Place your ankle under the roller pad, straighten your leg, and grasp the machine […]

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  • Standing Calf Raises

    Approach the machine and stand with your back straight (you can also use a barbell on a squat rack or a Smith machine for this exercise). Place your shoulders under […]

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