Nutrition Q&A

  • Walking Lunge

    Walking Lunge This is a common and simple exercise. 1. Stand erect facing forward with good posture, i.e., eyes forward, chest up, etc. 2. Step forward into a long stance, […]

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  • Pull ups

    Pull ups Much like the chin up, a pull-up is a compound, pull-type exercise that works a large number of muscles in your back, shoulders, and arms. 1. Approach the […]

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  • Bounds

    Bounds This is a great warmup exercise prior to speed sprinting. 1. Mark out a 20-yard distance. Begin at one end of the distance in an upright position. 2. Step […]

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  • Skips

    Skips This is a great warmup or warmdown exercise. They are particularly good for warming up before speed sprinting. And, they are much like the skips or skipping you did […]

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  • Hops

    Hops Hops can be done on one or two legs and are generally done for warmups prior to beginning exercise programs; they are also used by athletes as warmdowns to […]

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  • Mountain Climbers

    Mountain Climbers 1. You begin this exercise in a pushup position – your weight supported by your hands and toes. 2. Flexing the knee and hip, bring your right leg […]

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  • “L” Pullup

    “L” Pullup This is like doing a regular pullup with one exception – your legs are locked straight out in front of you, toes extended. 1. Hang from a pull […]

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  • Knees to Elbows

    Knees to Elbows This exercise helps to build abs and the inner core. 1. Begin by hanging from a pull-up bar. 2. From and extended, hanging position, raise your knees, […]

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