Straight-Arm Lat Pulldowns

  • Lying Glute Pushup

    The lying Glute pushup targets both your butt and back muscles. 1. To begin, lie on your back with your feet resting on top of a Swiss ball. 2. Push […]

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  • Superman’s

    1. Lie face down on a mat with your arms stretched above your head (like superman and if you are just beginning, try placing your hands behind your head). 2. […]

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  • Lying Windmills

    This exercise is challenging so, lie on your back with your arms extended and raise your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor. Next, slowly lower your legs to […]

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  • Twisting Crunch

    This is a very effective crunch workout because it works all of your stomach muscle fibers at the same time. Assume a standard crunch position, raise your torso to a […]

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  • V-situp (also known as stiff-legged knee bends)

    This exercise targets your abdominal muscles and will help improve balance. The V-sit is an effective abdominal and core exercise that works the rectus abdominis, the external oblique muscles and […]

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  • Pushup Plank

    This exercise is the same as the plank, but you are in a pushup position. The pushup plank works your core, chest, and biceps. This exercise will fully fatigue almost […]

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  • Plank

    The plank works the entire core, as well as your upper and lower body muscles. Lie face down on your stomach. Lift your body off the floor with your forearms […]

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  • Wrist Curls

    Sit with your forearms resting on your thighs or on a flat bench. Assume an underhand grip on the bar with your wrists passively extended, i.e., no strength is involved […]

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