back – My Health and Fitness Explore it! Tue, 13 Dec 2016 18:22:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Straight-Arm Lat Pulldowns Tue, 13 Dec 2016 18:22:18 +0000 Stand facing the Machine with your feet slightly apart. Take an overhand grip on the bar with your arms straight. Your hands should be about shoulder width apart.

1. Keep your back straight and inhale. Your abdominal muscles should be motionless.

2. Keeping your arms straight, press/pull the bar down until it touches your upper thighs. Make sure you keep your elbows fully extended.

3. Exhale while you complete the movement. Return to starting position and begin next repetition.

Notes: This exercise works the lats and strengthens the teres major. It also works the triceps long head.

Back Extension (Also, Hyperextension) Tue, 13 Dec 2016 17:59:53 +0000 Lie face down on the roman chair with your ankles underneath the ankle support.

1. Begin with your body bent at the waist about 90 degrees, head down. Flex your thighs and raise your upper body to a position parallel to the floor or just beyond. Inhale first and then, exhale as you raise the body.

2. As soon as your body is horizontal to the floor, lower your upper body back to the starting position for the next repetition. The work is done on the way up. Do not hold the body horizontal once you achieve that position. As soon as you do, lower the body immediately to prevent a possible back injury or irritation of the lower back.

Notes: This exercise places primary emphasis on the buttocks and thigh biceps. Secondary emphasis is placed on the spinal erectors and other lower back muscles.

By flexing the upper body you can stretch the sacrospinalis muscles.

Increase the intensity if desired by holding a weight plate to your chest.

To isolate and focus more on the sacrospinalis, move your pelvis onto the front pad of the Roman chair.

This exercise is commonly called ‘hyperextensions’.
