Just Get Moving!

  • Close-Grip Incline Press

    The close grip bench press is a good mass builder for the triceps. 1. Set up for the exercise by loading the weight on the bar and adjusting the height […]

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  • Close-Grip Bench Press

    Lie with your back flat on a bench, keeping your buttocks in contact with the bench and your feet flat on the floor. Take an overhand grip on the barbell […]

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  • Cable Crossover Flys

    Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart. Bend your body slightly forward with your elbows slightly bent. Hold the handles with your arms outstretched, palms down. 1. Inhale and […]

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  • Bench Press

    Proper bench-press form starts lying on a bench with your feet on the floor – approximately shoulder width apart. 1. Unrack the bar with straight arms and steady the bar […]

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  • Barbell Pullovers

    Lie on a flat bench with your feet on the floor. Grasp a barbell or EZ-bar with both hands. Your palms should be facing up with your thumbs and forefingers […]

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  • Standing Machine Hip Abductions

    Place one foot on the footplate of the machine then, place the outer side of your leg against the pad below your knee (just above your ankle). 1. Lift this […]

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  • Seated Machine Hip Abductions

    Take a sitting position in an abductor machine and rest your leg/knees against the pads. Select a suitable weight. 1. Slowly force your legs apart using a constant and consistent […]

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  • Machine Hip Extension

    Grasp the handles of the machine and place one foot on the footplate. Bring your opposite leg slightly forward, with the pad halfway between the knee joint and ankle. Bend […]

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