Just Get Moving!

  • Broomstick Twists

    Stand with feet about shoulder width apart. Place a long stick across the top of your trapezius muscles, but above the posterior deltoids. Ideally, the stick should be approximately as […]

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  • Suitcase Deadlift

    Exercises such as ruck-sacking, running, orienteering, and many other upright sports are about moving against gravity in an upright position. Unfortunately, most core exercises do not imitate this fundamental element. […]

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  • Standing Trunk Rotation with Cable

    The Standing Rotation with Cable isolates and intensifies the control of rotational forces by core muscles to lessen excess rotation of the hips, pelvis and spine. This is also a […]

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  • Supine March

    This exercise is particularly good for running type athletes because it builds good core stability by working the transverse abdominis (a deep abdominal muscle that needs to hold the right […]

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  • Seated Oblique Twist with a Medicine Ball

    The seated oblique twist exercise, sometimes erroneously called a Russian twist but actually a variation of it (a proper Russian Twist is executed while standing with one weight plate held […]

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  • Bridge

    The bridge exercise is a great way to isolate and strengthen the gluteus (butt) muscles and hamstrings (back of the upper leg). Performed correctly, it is a good exercise for […]

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  • Lunge with Twist

    1. To begin, stand with feet about shoulder width apart. Hold a medicine ball (3-12 lbs) in front of you with elbows bent about 90 degrees. If you are a […]

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  • Ball Roll-ins

    Ball roll-ins exercises your central abdominal muscles. 1. To begin, place your hands on the ground and the top of your feet atop the ball. 2. Keep your hands anchored […]

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