Russian Twists

  • Jerk from Rack

    Jerk from Rack This exercise is a modified version of the clean and jerk. It is part of the phase training in speed strength to increase technique proficiency for the […]

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  • Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatch

    The single-arm DB Snatch is sometimes referred to as just a dumbbell snatch. However, I like to differentiate because you can use only one DB. The reason is, that although […]

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  • Clean and Jerk (DB)

    Clean and Jerk (6 Phases for full lift) This is a power clean and jerk, simply referred as clean and jerk. It is done exactly like the power clean, except […]

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  • Clean and Press (DB)

    Clean and Press (6 Phases for full lift) This is a power clean and press, simply referred as clean and press. It is done exactly like the power clean, except […]

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  • Clean and Press (Straight Bar)

    Clean and Press (6 Phases for full lift) This is a power clean and press, simply referred as clean and press. It is done exactly like the power clean, except […]

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  • Clean and Jerk (Straight Bar)

    Clean and Jerk (6 Phases for full lift) This is a power clean and jerk, simply referred as clean and jerk. It is done exactly like the power clean, except […]

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  • Body or Air Squat

    This exercise has long been called the body squat in the Olympic and Speed-Strength, which includes ball sports, gymnastics, etc. community. In about 2000, when Crossfit began its popularity, that […]

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  • The Snatch (Straight Bar)

    The Snatch Lift or, Snatch as it is termed – Straight Bar. The snatch is a phase of the snatch squat, but you do not go to a full squat […]

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