Russian Twists

  • Seated Machine Hip Abductions

    Approach and sit in an abductor machine. 1. Slowly force your legs apart as far and comfortably as possible. 2. Relax your muscles and return to the starting position and […]

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  • Seated Leg Curls

    Sit on the machine with your legs straight. Your ankles should be resting on the roller pad. Lower the restraint over your thighs to secure them. Grasp the handles provided […]

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  • Seated Calf Raises

    Sit on the machines seat and place the restraint pads across your thighs. Place your toes and the balls of your feet on the foot rest. 1. Lower or stretch […]

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  • Seated Barbell Calf Raises

    This exercise can be done with either a calf-raise machine or a barbell. Sit on machine or a bench, place your toes and the balls of your feet on footrest […]

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  • Power Squats

    This exercise is the same as conventional or back squats, but your legs are widely spread wider with your toes pointed outward. Doing so specifically works the inner thigh. 1. […]

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  • One-Legged Toe Raise

    If you do not have a toe-raise machine, this exercise is best accomplished using a back-squat technique. Approach the bar as if doing a back squat and place it atop […]

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  • Machine Adductions

    Approach and sit on the machine with your legs spread. Make certain you are in a comfortable position. 1. Force your thighs together. 2. Relax your muscles and slowly return […]

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  • Lying Leg Curls

    Lie face down on the padded surface of the machine. Grasp the handles, straighten your knees and hook you feet under the set of roller pads. The pads should make […]

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