Russian Twists

  • Incline Bench Situps

    Sit on the sit-up bench and place your feet beneath the roller pads. Place your hands behind your head or atop your chest. 1. Inhale and incline your torso less […]

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  • Incline Leg Raises

    Lie on your back on an inclined abdominal board and grasp the rungs. You can place your hands palm up or down depending on what is most comfortable for you. […]

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  • High Pulley Crunches

    Kneel down with the bar behind your neck. 1. Inhale and shorten your torso by moving your chest toward your thighs. Squeeze the abdominal muscles at the same time by […]

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  • Hanging Leg Raises

    Take an overhand grip on a chin-up bar. Hang straight while relaxing. To maintain your grip comfortably, you may need to use wrist straps. Also, try using a two over […]

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  • Gym Ladder Situps

    Hook your feet in the gym ladder with your hips and knees flexed at 90 degrees. Place your hands behind your head. 1. Inhale and curl your torso as high […]

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  • Dumbbell (DB) Side Bends

    Stand with your feet slightly apart. The outside edges of the feet should be directly beneath the outside of your arms at the shoulders. Place your left hand behind your […]

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  • Crunches

    Lie on your back and place your hands behind your head or atop your chest. Adjust and flex your hips and knees to a 90 degree angle. 1. Inhale and […]

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  • Calves Over Bench Situps

    Lie on your back with your calves laying atop a flat exercise bench. Place your hands behind your head or atop your chest. 1. Inhale and lift your shoulders off […]

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