Russian Twists

  • Triceps Pushdowns

    Stand facing the machine with your hands on the bar and your elbows touching, i.e., anchored to your sides. 1. Inhale and straighten your arms by pushing them downward until […]

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  • Triceps (Dumbbell) Kickbacks

    Bend forward at the waist with knees slightly flexed. Keep your back straight, eyes forward and your knees slightly flexed. 1. Anchor your elbow to your side so that your […]

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  • Triceps Extensions

    Lie on a flat bench and assume an overhand grip on the bar. The starting point is with your arms extended. 1. Inhale and bend your elbows to about a […]

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  • Triceps Dips

    Place your hands on the edge of a flat bench and rest your feet on another bench. The angle between your legs and torso should be 90 degrees. This exercise […]

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  • Straight Bar (Barbell) Curl

    1. Stand up with your torso upright while holding a barbell at a shoulder-width grip. The palm of your hands should be facing forward and the elbows should be close […]

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  • Seated EZ-Bar Triceps Extensions

    Stand or sit and use an overhand grip on the bar with your arms extended upward. You can also use dumbbells. 1. Inhale and bend your elbows to lower the […]

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  • Seated Dumbbell (DB) Triceps Extensions

    Sit holding the dumbbell in both hands behind your neck. The forearm should be about horizontal to the floor. 1. Inhale and extend your arms straight until they are above […]

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  • Reverse Wrist Curl

    Sit with your forearms resting on your thighs or on a flat bench. Take an overhand grip on the bar or dumbbells with your arms passively flexed, i.e., flexed just […]

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