Russian Twists

  • LifeForce Camp

    LifeForce Camp

    How do you view fitness? Do you think only of chiseled bodies? There is so much more to fitness than simply having a hard body. Having a hard body is […]

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  • High-Volume Training

    High-Volume Training

    When training sports athletes, I generally put them into two modes of training depending on what part of the season they’re in. For off-season the trend is toward high volume, […]

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  • What Kind of Exercise is Best?

    What Kind of Exercise is Best?

    Aerobic or Anaerobic? Is running best for you? What about weight training or maybe tennis or even sprinting? How do you know what exercise to choose? You’re in the gym […]

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  • Patio and Other Small Gardens

    Patio and Other Small Gardens

    Sitting here in Istanbul, Turkey, I look around and see thousands upon thousands of apartments with a common theme – many of the residents are growing their own little gardens […]

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  • Misleading Facts from Bogus Science Studies

    Misleading Facts from Bogus Science Studies

    Do you notice, almost daily, how one study comes out about weight loss, only to be trumped by another the very next day? Having been formally trained as a research […]

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  • Sports Nutrition Fact Sheet

    Sports Nutrition Fact Sheet

    As an athlete, there are several nutritional factors you need to pay attention to, which include water, energy, vitamins and minerals, and others. Let’s detail those. Water Although you can […]

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  • Lower Back Pain and Injuries

    Lower Back Pain and Injuries

    Do you have lower-back pain? Squats got you down? You need to determine what triggers your back pain and then, remove the cause. Doing sit ups, yoga, crunches and other […]

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  • Your Body Clock – Reset It

    Your Body Clock – Reset It

    Do you feel out of sync with your gym buddies and exercises partners? We all march to a different body rhythm, which is why your friend(s) can get out of […]

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