Barbell Split Squat

1. To begin, position barbell on back of shoulders and grasp barbell to sides. Stand with feet far apart; one foot forward and other foot behind.

2. Inhale then, squat down by flexing knee and hip of front leg. Allow heel of rear foot to rise up while knee of rear leg bends slightly until it almost makes contact with floor.

3. Return to original standing position, exhaling while doing so, by extending hip and knee of forward leg. Repeat for subsequent reps and then, continue with opposite leg.

Knees should point same direction as feet throughout movement. Heel of rear foot can be kept elevated off floor throughout movement, but front foot must remain flat on floor.

Keep torso upright during squat; flexible hip flexors are important. With feet further apart: Gluteus Maximus is emphasized, quadriceps are less emphasized.

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