Bench Press

Proper bench-press form starts lying on a bench with your feet on the floor – approximately shoulder width apart.

1. Unrack the bar with straight arms and steady the bar before lowering the weight inhaling while doing so.

2. Lower the bar to your mid-chest.

3. Press it back up (exhale while doing so) until you’ve locked your elbows. Keep your butt on the bench. Repeat subsequent repetitions for the set.

The Bench Press is a full body, compound exercise. It works your chest, shoulders, and triceps most. It’s the most effective exercise to gain upper-body strength and muscle because it’s the upper-body exercise you’ll lift the most weight on- more than front presses. Some people call the bench press and squat the ‘King’ of exercises.

To avoid shoulder pain, tuck your elbows 75° when you lower the bar. Don’t try to stretch your chest by flaring your elbows 90° out. You’ll impinge your shoulders if your upper-arms are perpendicular to your torso at the bottom. Tuck your elbows 75° to Bench Press pain-free.

Unlike the Squat or Deadlift, the bar doesn’t move in a vertical line when you Bench Press with proper form. It moves diagonally from your mid-chest over your shoulders. This is the safest way to Bench Press for your shoulders. It’s also the most effective way to Bench Press heavy.

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