Broomstick Twists

Stand with feet about shoulder width apart. Place a long stick across the top of your trapezius muscles, but above the posterior deltoids. Ideally, the stick should be approximately as long as your body height.

1. Balance the stick; do not let your body hang on it too much. Extend your arms completely and place them, hand facing down, atop the stick.

2. Rotate your upper body from side to side as far as you comfortably can. First to one side and then the next.

3. Keep your hips (pelvis) stationary; do not let them sway or bend. You can do this by contracting the gluteals isometrically during the exercise. Relax the knees to keep them loose.

Notes: Primary muscles worked are the internal and external obliques.

You may vary the exercise by performing it from a seated position on a bench. Remember to keep your hips stationary. A good way to do this is to grip the bench with your thighs as if you were riding a horse.

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