Clean Pull

Clean Pull

Phase 1:

This is the first pull. The first pull begins at the middle of the shin and ends at the top of the knee cap. Once again, posture must be correct, arms straight, heels flat, chest up, knees pushed out and eyes straight ahead. The grip for the power clean should be one to two hand grips outside the shoulder to allow for a proper rack (see photos below).


Phase 2:

The second pull: begins at the top of the knee cap and ends at mid-thigh (just as with the snatch). This is the most explosive part of the lift. The arms are still straight and the bar is as close as possible to the body. The feet should begin to leave the floor while shrugging at the same time (again, as with the snatch).


Phase 1: Grasping the bar and then, the first pull. Note hand grip is narrower by one hand width on either side than the snatch pull.


Phase 2: the second pull. On balls of feet and shoulder shrug at same time as in the snatch pull. Note however that because grip is closer that the lift will not go as high on the hips as in the snatch pull because your arms are more extended due to closer grip.

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