Floor Hip Extension

Kneel on one leg on the floor. You may wish to use an exercise mat. Place both your elbows or hands on the floor and your forearms straight so that your upper arm from shoulder to elbow is approximately perpendicular to the floor.

1. Tuck your opposite leg under your chest with knee touching your chest.

2. Move your tucked leg to the rear and up as far as you can so that your hip is fully extended. Hold this position for about 2 seconds.

3. Return you knee to your chest for the next repetition.

Notes: By keeping your leg straight and fully extended on the lift, this exercise will primarily work the hamstrings and gluteals. If you keep the knee bent, it will only work the gluteals less intensely.

If you desire increased intensity, strap a soft weight around your ankle. This exercise is very popular in aerobics classes.

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