Good Mornings

Stand with your feet slightly apart. Place barbell across your trapezius muscles or a little lower across your posterior deltoids.

1. Inhale and bend forward at the waist until your torso is roughly parallel to the floor, being sure to keep your back straight.

2. Return to the starting position, exhaling.

Notes: To make the movement easier, you can slightly bend your knees. This exercise involves the gluteals and spinal erectors, and particularly the hamstrings. Besides flexing the knee, the main function of the hamstrings is tilting the pelvis backward, straightening the upper body if the latest interact to contract the abdominals and sacrospinalis isometrically.

The get better construction in the hamstrings, never do this movement with heavy weight. In this exercise, the negative phase is excellent for stretching the back of your thighs. If you do it regularly, it will reduce the likelihood of injury when doing heavy squats.

This exercise does pose a high risk to the lumbar spine, so perform it with caution.

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