Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell Swing

This is a fun exercise, but concentrate through the movements to make sure you are using good technique.

1. To begin, squat down, keeping your back arched so that you settle into a good squat position as your grab a kettlebell with both hands.

2. Look straight ahead and raise from your squat so that your arms are locked straight.

3. Explode out of the squat into a standing position as you push your hips up and forward, lifting the kettlebell in an arch from hanging between your leg to above your head. As your hips push up and forward, so will the kettlebell. The timing should be such that once the hips hit the upward extension forward the kettlebell is at minimal above mid chest or higher.

4. Let the kettlebell fall back naturally, in an arch by keeping your arms extended, back to starting position between your legs.

5. Squat back down and begin next repetition.

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