Lat Pulldowns

Sit facing the machine. Place your knees beneath the roller pads or restraint, while adjusting it to fit your body size. Maximum work on the lats is accomplished with the widest grip. Thus, assume a wide overhand grip on the bar near its ends.

1. Inhale and pull the bar down to your upper chest. Arch your back and bring your elbows back. Make sure to begin the pull with a reverse shrug of the shoulders. Do not pull with just the arms!

2. Exhale while you complete the movement. Return to extended or starting position and begin the next repetition.

Notes: This exercise is excellent for adding thickness to the back because it stresses the center part of the lats. Emphasis is also placed on the trapezius(middle and lower portions), as well as the rhomboids, biceps, brachialis, and, to a lesser extent, the upper and mid pectorals.

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