Lunge with Twist

1. To begin, stand with feet about shoulder width apart. Hold a medicine ball (3-12 lbs) in front of you with elbows bent about 90 degrees. If you are a beginner, do not use any weight.

2. Step forward with your left or right foot into a lunge position. Keep your knee over your forward foot – do not twist at the knee then, utilizing your torso, twist your upper body to the left or right.

3. Next, reach across your opposite side with your arms out-stretched. Whichever direction you initially twist, you are basically pointing your belly button in that direction without moving your lunge position.

4. Maintain a slow and controlled movement throughout the exercise. Slowly move your arms to center then, step forward with the opposite foot and twist to the other side.

5. Continue the movement for about ten steps and perform 2-3 reps or as denoted on your program. Try doing it without shoes for more difficulty.

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