
Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart.

1. Inhale and take a long step forward, keeping your torso as upright as possible.

2. When your stepping leg contacts the floor, squat so that your shin is perpendicular to the floor and your thigh is approximately or slightly below parallel.

3. Stand back up and return to the starting position. Repeat the same motion on the other leg.

Notes: This exercise can be performed without weights, using dumbbells in your hands or, a barbell across the back of your shoulders like a squat. Instead of standing in one position, you can also perform lunges in walking fashion.

This exercise primarily works the gluteals when taking a normal or shortened step. When you take a long step forward, more emphasis is placed the hamstrings and gluteals while at the same time, stretching the upper quadriceps and hip flexors of the back leg.

This exercise requires good balance. Thus, if you are a beginner or out of shape, you should use supports to assist your balance at the beginning using only your body weight. As you become more comfortable, you can add weight to the exercise.

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