Reverse Pec-Deck Fly

Sit facing toward machine.

1. Adjust the handles so that they are fully to the rear. Make an appropriate weight selection and adjust the seat height so the handles are at shoulder level. Grasp the handles with your hands facing inwards. This will be your starting position.

2. In a semicircular motion, pull your hands out to your side and back, contracting your rear delts.

3. Keep your arms slightly bent throughout the movement, with all of the motion occurring at the shoulder joint.

4. Pause at the rear of the movement, and slowly return the weight to the starting position.

This exercise is great for isolating the rear delts, which tend to get overlooked on shoulder day. The trick with this movement is to really feel the contraction and not just sling the weight. The machine movement edges out the free-weight rear-delt raise for two reasons:

1. Muscle activation is about 10 percent higher with the machine.

2. You can easily cheat the free-weight movement and lose the isolation effect of this single-joint move.

Training Tip: Don’t limit yourself to a single grip here. Perform the reverse pec-deck fly using both the overhand and neutral (palms facing in) grip, because each recruits the rear-delt musculature slightly differently.

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