Side-to-Side Hop

This is a speed-strength, lower-body plyometric.

1. Stand next to a flat bench of the height used for bench presses, etc.

2. Flex your knees so they bend about 4 inches and propel yourself to the other side of the bench in one motion. Ensure that you lift/bend your knees enough to clear the bench.

3. Immediately upon landing on the other side of the bench, repeat the same motion, propelling your body back to the starting position on the other side of the bench where you began. You have completed one repetition, continue it for required sets and reps.

4. It would be wise to choose a bench that does not have legs protruding outward from the frame as you must avoid hitting the legs during the exercise. Also, this exercise is a rapid-pace movement and your feet should make a tat-tat-tat-tat repetitive sound in rhythm.

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