Single-Leg Box Jump

This is a lower-body explosive, plyometric exercise. The exercise is identical to the box jump, but in this case, you use only one leg for the jump.

1. Begin by standing on one leg on the floor; the other leg is lifted and bent with the foot approximately next to the knee of the standing leg. Stand in front of a box that you can comfortably jump on top of. Generally, if you are accustomed to this exercise the box would be 18 inches or more in height.

2. Flexing your knees and forcing both arms upward to help propel you motion, jump on top of the box, landing with one foot – on the ball of the foot.

3. Jump back down to the starting position. You have completed one repetition and are ready for the next. Perform the required number of reps on the first leg and then the second leg. Do the number of sets written for your program.

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