Single-Leg Jump

This is a lower-body explosive, plyometric exercise. It is easier to visualize the jump by placing obstacles in your path to jump over such as dumbbells, steps, etc. So, line up about 8 obstacles, placing them in order of increasing height if you have experience with the exercise.

1. Begin at the lowest obstacle, standing on one leg with free leg bent next to knee of standing leg. Flex at the knees and use your arms to help propel your momentum over the first obstacle. As soon as your foot touches the ground/floor, hop over the second obstacle and so forth until you have cleared all of them.

2. If you have obstacles of increasing height, once over last one, walk back to first obstacle and repeat the exercise on the other leg. If all obstacles are of same height, simply turn around and go back from where you started, hopping as you go of course.

3. This is a difficult exercise thus, use caution; always make sure you have your balance once landing before the next hop.

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