Standing Trunk Rotation with Cable

The Standing Rotation with Cable isolates and intensifies the control of rotational forces by core muscles to lessen excess rotation of the hips, pelvis and spine. This is also a good exercise for running/climbing athletes.

1. To begin, stand with your left side facing a cable pulley station with a handle attached at shoulder height. Grasp the handle with both hands; both arms are fully extended. Begin with your torso rotated toward the handle and tension in the cable. This means the weight stack will be slightly suspended from the plate beneath your chosen weight load.

2. Next, rotate your torso to the right while keeping your arms fully extended and the handle in line with the center of your chest. Keep your eyes focused on the handle as you rotate and your hips locked forward.

3. Return to the start position without allowing the weight stack to come to rest. Then, perform exercise on opposite side.

Typically done for 8-12 reps and 3 sets each, but varies according to program and fitness level.

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