Step-Up Jumps

This is a lower-body explosive, plyometric exercise and is done atop a flat bench or back that is of such a height that when you place your foot flat atop it, the thigh of the leg is approximately horizontal to the floor/ground or more slightly elevated. It is exactly like the Step Up, but you’ll be adding a jump.

1. Face the bench/box and place your left leg atop it.

2. Your left hand should be resting on your hip with your right arm raised in an “L” shape as if you were running and of course, you are standing on your right leg.

3. Press with your left leg, raising your body atop the bench/box into a standing/vertical position as your left arm is raised to the “L” shape/position, again, like you are running and your right knee tries to kick your chest, while your right arm cocks to your right hip.

4. During the raise of number 3 above, you have pushed so hard that your left foot clears the ball of the foot and toes so there is an air-gap between your foot and the bench, i.e., you have jumped into the air.

5. As you land from the jump you will have automatically lowered yourself to starting position and are ready to begin the next repetition. After you have completed the left leg, switch legs atop the box so that your right leg is on top of it and do all the required reps on the right leg. You are then ready for the next set.

6. You will notice that at first your balance may be off. To become more accustomed to this exercise, just do it slowly on one leg for a while then, the other without worrying about reps. You’ll discover that you are in a constant running motion and it’s fun.

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