Suitcase Deadlift

Exercises such as ruck-sacking, running, orienteering, and many other upright sports are about moving against gravity in an upright position. Unfortunately, most core exercises do not imitate this fundamental element. However, the Suitcase Deadlift does by training the oblique muscles to do what they must during upright, fast activities such as running, etc. The oblique muscles will keep the torso vertically aligned with the legs against resistance. The lower back muscles are also challenged in a running-specific way in this exercise.

1. To begin, stand with your arms hanging relaxed at your sides – a dumbbell in one hand. Push your hips back, bend (flex) the knees and lower/reach the dumbbell down as close to the floor as you can without rounding your lower back.

2. Next, return to standing position and repeat. Do not allow your torso to tilt to either side while performing the exercise.

3. Repeat the exercise while holding the dumbbell in the opposite hand.

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